Contains the source files to generate the re6stnet package in _chromebrew_ using the _buildout_ build system
Contains the source files to generate the re6stnet package in _chromebrew_ using the _buildout_ build system. This repository is used when you do "crew install -s re6stnet". Please see for the description of package re6stnet in chromebrew.
## Updating
## Updating
Whenever the master branch of this package is modified, the checksum has to be updated in any _chromebrew_ repository.
When you want to release a new version of the chromebrew package, use your own Nayu OS and run the following
A modification of this repository should also correspond to a new build being uploaded at <>, and the checksum of this new package should be changed in the _chromebrew_ recipe.
cd /usr/local/lib/crew
crew update # make sure crew is uptodate, at the same time, you can check you are using branch nexedi of project
vim packages/re6stnet.rb # edit "source_url" and "source_sha256" to use the correct version of this repository
# also change version if needed
cd /usr/local/tmp
crew build re6stnet
scp -P 22222 re6stnet*.tar.xz slapuser9@[2001:67c:1254:e:7::5156]:srv/runner/public/ # upload to
vim packages/re6stnet.rb # edit "binary_url" and "binary_sha256" with the correct name and sha256
git add packages/re6stnet.rb
git commit
git push # please push to branch nexedi of
Please note that is a webrunner owned by nexedi_development_service account at