"fs/xfs/xfs_dquot.c" did not exist on "a0fa2b679ecd15b4bdbb46cd2420b6affde91cf9"
Commit 476a5dbd authored by Damian Montero's avatar Damian Montero Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #774 from uberhacker/add-dtrx-package

Add dtrx package
parents 1fec2afb 268c4a49
require 'package'
class Dtrx < Package
description "Intelligent archive extraction. dtrx stands for 'Do The Right Extraction.' It's a tool for Unix-like systems that takes all the hassle out of extracting archives."
homepage 'https://brettcsmith.org/2007/dtrx/'
version '7.1'
source_url 'https://brettcsmith.org/2007/dtrx/dtrx-7.1.tar.gz'
source_sha1 '05cfe705a04a8b84571b0a5647cd2648720791a4'
depends_on 'binutils'
depends_on 'bz2'
depends_on 'cabextract'
depends_on 'cpio'
depends_on 'lha'
depends_on 'python27'
depends_on 'unrar'
depends_on 'unshield'
depends_on 'unzip'
def self.install
system "python setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local"
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local/bin"
system "cp /usr/local/bin/dtrx #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local/bin"
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