Commit 53da19cb authored by lyxell's avatar lyxell Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #828 from uberhacker/add-yarn-package

Add yarn package
parents d5c0e0f6 82abcdef
require 'package'
class Yarn < Package
description 'Yarn is a new package manager for JavaScript and an alternative to npm.'
homepage ''
version '0.27.0-20170629.1443'
source_url ''
source_sha256 'e1086d267151cd05896b15023e8c4e253a64e675a80bb38dc294b5b1c86c6656'
depends_on 'node' unless File.exists? '/usr/local/bin/node'
def self.install
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local"
system "cp -r lib/ #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local"
system "cp -r bin/ #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local"
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