Commit 849c1873 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #5447 from saltedcoffii/patch-112

[Fix Package] autossh
parents 92d3e2ac c0efc646
require 'package'
class Autossh < Package
description 'The purpose of autossh is to start an SSH connection, monitor it, and restart it if necessary.'
homepage ''
# No releases available so the only option is to use the master branch
description 'Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels'
homepage ''
version '1.4g'
compatibility 'all'
version '9c72d3b'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '39497e1ccd80f781282e8f6387bb3ae5b1501807a39aeced95e8be57c3778cba'
binary_url ({
aarch64: '',
armv7l: '',
i686: '',
x86_64: '',
binary_sha256 ({
aarch64: 'd988e2b17d8c06773f099b8c6eb8db198de32af1a7fe2dfc39acd30b83e27db4',
armv7l: 'd988e2b17d8c06773f099b8c6eb8db198de32af1a7fe2dfc39acd30b83e27db4',
i686: 'd74acb98fc939fba9aaebf4993639ee3d9f11417ac6184ed1f57a88d4db56214',
x86_64: '48eda7fb01e8818fad3c0d4d9e3fb9f1b294fa26fe71b41c17e04dd11b3fa043',
source_url ''
source_sha256 '5fc3cee3361ca1615af862364c480593171d0c54ec156de79fc421e31ae21277'
depends_on 'openssh'
system "./configure --prefix=#{CREW_PREFIX}"
system "./configure #{CREW_OPTIONS} \
--with-ssh=$(which ssh)"
system "make"
def self.install
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin"
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/share/doc/autossh"
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