Commit cd7ceab5 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel

Add s package

parent a12b300c
require 'package'
class S < Package
description 'Open a web search in your terminal.'
homepage ''
version '0.5.10'
case ARCH
when 'aarch64'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '4d31cbb3f81a52946d9e40e1d3ebb650d7112c5c3d45c07ae29435bfea2c0dea'
when 'armv7l'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '4d31cbb3f81a52946d9e40e1d3ebb650d7112c5c3d45c07ae29435bfea2c0dea'
when 'i686'
source_url ''
source_sha256 'ff94e41816bcaadbd0edd334fae634e71afd1bb4f2acb5dc52f6849714c64e68'
when 'x86_64'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '1e9a379071171ffaa28ce4d697389a70b115955335e41cfbbd37197404129d49'
depends_on 'links'
depends_on 'unzip'
def self.install
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local/bin"
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/home/#{USER}/user"
system "cp autocomplete/s-completion.bash /home/#{USER}/user/.s-completion.bash"
system "cp autocomplete/s-completion.bash #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/home/#{USER}/user/.s-completion.bash"
system "cp autocomplete/ /home/#{USER}/user/"
system "cp autocomplete/ #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/home/#{USER}/user/"
system "cp s #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local/bin"
puts ""
puts "In order to enable autocomplete for bash, execute the following:".lightblue
puts "echo \"source ~/.s-completion.bash\" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc".lightblue
puts ""
puts "In order to enable a default search binary, execute the following:".lightblue
puts "echo \"alias s='s -b links'\" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc".lightblue
puts ""
puts "Example usage: s [-b links] best linux command line utilities".lightblue
puts ""
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