Commit 3c1fef45 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Update changelog.

parent 5bd451d3
......@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Features added
* Multiplication of Python numbers with small constant integers is faster.
(Github issue #2808)
* Some list copying is avoided internally when a new list needs to be created
but we already have a fresh one.
(Github issue #3494)
* Extension types that do not need their own ``tp_new`` implementation (because
they have no object attributes etc.) directly inherit the implementation of
their parent type if possible.
......@@ -79,6 +83,10 @@ Features added
* Deprecated NumPy API usages were removed from ``numpy.pxd``.
Patch by Matti Picus. (Github issue #3365)
* ``cython.inline()`` now sets the ``NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION``
C macro automatically when ``numpy`` is imported in the code, to avoid C compiler
warnings about deprecated NumPy C-API usage.
* The builtin ``abs()`` function can now be used on C numbers in nogil code.
Patch by Elliott Sales de Andrade. (Github issue #2748)
......@@ -99,6 +107,10 @@ Features added
* ``--no-docstrings`` option added to ``cythonize`` script.
Original patch by mo-han. (Github issue #2889)
* ``cygdb`` gives better error messages when it fails to initialise the
Python runtime support in gdb.
Patch by Volker Weissmann. (Github issue #3489)
* The Pythran ``shape`` attribute is supported.
Patch by Serge Guelton. (Github issue #3307)
......@@ -116,6 +128,10 @@ Bugs fixed
Patch by David Woods. (Github issues #3391, #3142)
* Creating a fused function attached it to the garbage collector before it
was fully initialised, thus risking crashes in rare failure cases.
Original patch by achernomorov. (Github issue #3215)
* Diverging from the usual behaviour, ``len(memoryview)``, ``len(char*)``
and ``len(Py_UNICODE*)`` returned an unsigned ``size_t`` value. They now
return a signed ``Py_ssize_t``, like other usages of ``len()``.
......@@ -212,6 +228,9 @@ Other changes
Use the normal Python package directory layout instead.
(Github issue #2686)
* Binary Linux wheels now follow the manylinux2010 standard.
Patch by Alexey Stepanov. (Github issue #3355)
* Support for Python 2.6 was removed.
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