Commit 4a843a36 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

reminder comment: need to disable C-API mapping for dict.keys/values/items()...

reminder comment: need to disable C-API mapping for dict.keys/values/items() in -3 mode to let them return a dict view in Py3
parent 39ca71e4
......@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@ builtin_types_table = [
BuiltinMethod("append", "TO", "i", "PyList_Append"),
("dict", "PyDict_Type", [BuiltinMethod("items", "T", "O", "PyDict_Items"),
BuiltinMethod("keys", "T", "O", "PyDict_Keys"),
BuiltinMethod("values","T", "O", "PyDict_Values"),
("dict", "PyDict_Type", [BuiltinMethod("items", "T", "O", "PyDict_Items"), # FIXME: Py3 mode?
BuiltinMethod("keys", "T", "O", "PyDict_Keys"), # FIXME: Py3 mode?
BuiltinMethod("values","T", "O", "PyDict_Values"), # FIXME: Py3 mode?
BuiltinMethod("copy", "T", "T", "PyDict_Copy")]),
("slice", "PySlice_Type", []),
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