Commit 643e267e authored by gsamain's avatar gsamain

Remove nogil extension test blocking cython test suite

parent 621117ee
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
ext_modules = cythonize("test.pyx")
\ No newline at end of file
#cython: language_level = 3
from libc.stdio cimport printf
GOAL: implement nogil option in cdef class (extension types)
and native memory manager (refcount based) that does not
depend on cpython's memory manager and that does not require GIL.
HINT: look at C++ standard library (that works very nicely with Cython)
Cython documentation if here:
Basic usage:
Extension types:
Extension Types are the "pure cython" classes that I want to be able to
use without depending on cpython GIL (and in essence runtime, memory manager, etc.)
Cython memory allocation:
Explains how nogil is posisble in cython for anything that
only relies on C libraries that are multi-threaded
# cdef class SomeMemory:
cdef cypclass SomeMemory:
This is a cdef class which is also called
a extensino type. It is a kind of C struct
that also acts as a python object.
We would like to be able to define "nogil"
extension types:
cdef class SomeMemory nogil:
where all methods are "nogil" and memory
allocation does not depend on python runtime
double a;
double b;
void __init__(double a, double b):
this.a = a
this.b = b
void foo() nogil:
It is possible to define native C/Cython methods
that release the GIL (cool...)
this.a = this.b
void foo1(int a) nogil:
It is possible to define native C/Cython methods
that release the GIL (cool...)
this.a = a
void foo3() nogil:
It is possible to define native C/Cython methods
that release the GIL (cool...)
# Not allowed to define pure Python function in the extension type with nogil option now
# since we want this extension type is CPython free
# def baz(self):
# """
# It is also possible to define standard python
# methods
# """
# pass
# cdef bar(): # it is currently impossible to release GIL
cdef int bar() nogil: # yet this is what we would like to
This is a pure "cython method" which we would like to
be able to declare with nogil option but this requires
to first introduce the concept of nogil in cdef class
cdef SomeMemory o = SomeMemory(42.0, 3.14) # for this we need class allocation to handle memory without libpython # and we need method selection to be independent of libpython
o.a = 1.0
return 0
cpdef baz():
This method is both callable from python and pure "cython".
It can call both cdef methods and usual python functions
# We call here a cpdef function, which calls a def function
# which then allocates cdef class SomeMemory
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