Commit d46b06fc authored by Jeroen Demeyer's avatar Jeroen Demeyer

Add cwd to sys.path inside subinterpreter

parent 116faa4b
......@@ -59,11 +59,14 @@ def run_sub():
assert 0 == run_in_subinterpreter(b'1+1')
assert 0 == run_in_subinterpreter(b'2+2')
assert 0 == run_in_subinterpreter(b'import package')
assert 0 == run_in_subinterpreter(b'import package')
# The subinterpreter does not add the current working directory to
# sys.path, so we need to add it manually.
pre = b'import sys; sys.path.insert(0, "."); '
assert 0 == run_in_subinterpreter(pre + b'import package')
assert 0 == run_in_subinterpreter(pre + b'import package')
import sys
result = run_in_subinterpreter(b'import package.subtest')
result = run_in_subinterpreter(pre + b'import package.subtest')
assert result == 0, result # imports only in subinterpreters are ok
elif sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
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