Commit f5c81356 authored by Jeroen Demeyer's avatar Jeroen Demeyer

Add test and documentation for external implementation of functions

parent d389edef
...@@ -124,6 +124,35 @@ A few more tricks and tips: ...@@ -124,6 +124,35 @@ A few more tricks and tips:
cdef extern from *: cdef extern from *:
... ...
Implementing functions in C
When you want to call C code from a Cython module, usually that code
will be in some external library that you link your extension against.
However, you can also directly compile C (or C++) code as part of your
Cython module. In the ``.pyx`` file, you can put something like::
cdef extern from "spam.c":
void order_spam(int tons)
Cython will assume that the function ``order_spam()`` is defined in the
file ``spam.c``. If you also want to cimport this function from another
module, it must be declared (not extern!) in the ``.pxd`` file::
cdef void order_spam(int tons)
For this to work, the signature of ``order_spam()`` in ``spam.c`` must
match the signature that Cython uses, in particular the function must
be static:
.. code-block:: c
static void order_spam(int tons)
printf("Ordered %i tons of spam!\n", tons);
.. _struct-union-enum-styles: .. _struct-union-enum-styles:
Styles of struct, union and enum declaration Styles of struct, union and enum declaration
PYTHON build_ext --inplace
PYTHON -c "import foo"
PYTHON -c "import a"
######## ########
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import setup
ext_modules = cythonize("*.pyx"),
######## foo.pxd ########
cdef void bar()
######## foo.pyx ########
cdef extern from "bar_impl.c":
void bar()
######## bar_impl.c ########
static void bar() {}
######## a.pyx ########
from foo cimport bar
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