1. 24 Oct, 2019 1 commit
    • da-woods's avatar
      Potential fix for GH issue #3203 · 1b5b0a51
      da-woods authored
      Gets the specialized type if possible from
      This does introduce a potential new bug:
      cimport cython
      just_float = cython.fused_type(float)
      cdef OK1(just_float x):
          return just_float in floating
      cdef fail1(just_float x, floating y):
          return just_float in floating
      cdef fail2(floating x):
          return floating in floating
      def show():
          >>> show()
          print(fail1(1.0, 2.0))
          print(fail1[float, double](1.0, 2.0))
      fail1 and fail2 work before this patch but fail with it. It isn't
      clear to me if this should actually be considered a bug. It
      works in both versions with `cython.floating`, which possibly
      suggests analyse_as_type in AttributeNode should also be changed
  2. 16 Oct, 2019 4 commits
  3. 14 Oct, 2019 4 commits
  4. 08 Oct, 2019 6 commits
  5. 30 Sep, 2019 1 commit
    • da-woods's avatar
      unicode imports (#3119) · 074362b4
      da-woods authored
      * Handle normalization of unicode identifiers
      * Support unicode characters in module names
        (Only valid under Python 3)
  6. 18 Sep, 2019 1 commit
  7. 10 Sep, 2019 16 commits
  8. 06 Sep, 2019 5 commits
  9. 03 Sep, 2019 2 commits