Commit 0009b915 authored by panos's avatar panos

Example ammended based on the objects name changes

parent 6e5e59ae
......@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Created on 19 Feb 2014
# along with DREAM. If not, see <>.
# ===========================================================================
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.StatisticalMeasures import BasicStatisticalMeasures
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.DataManipulation import DataManagement
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.StatisticalMeasures import StatisticalMeasures
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.DataManipulation import DataManipulation
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.DistributionFitting import DistFittest
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.DistributionFitting import Distributions
from CMSD_Output import CMSD_example
from JSON_Output import JSON_example
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ExcelOutput import Output
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ReplaceMissingValues import HandleMissingValues
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ImportExceldata import Import_Excel
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ExcelOutput import ExcelOutput
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ReplaceMissingValues import ReplaceMissingValues
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ImportExceldata import ImportExceldata
import xlrd
#import ManPy main JSON script
import dream.simulation.LineGenerationJSON as ManPyMain
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_ProcessingTimes = worksheets[1] #Define the worksheet with the Processing times data
worksheet_ScrapQuantity = worksheets[0] #Define the worksheet with the Scrap Quantity data
A=Import_Excel() #Call the Python object Import_Excel
A=ImportExceldata() #Call the Python object Import_Excel
ProcessingTimes= A.Input_data(worksheet_ProcessingTimes, workbook) #Create the Processing Times dictionary with keys the different stations in the line and values the processing times of different batches in these stations
ScrapQuantity=A.Input_data(worksheet_ScrapQuantity, workbook) #Create the Scrap Quantity dictionary with keys the different stations in the line and values the scrap quantity data of different batches in these stations
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ P11_Proc= ProcessingTimes.get('P11',[])
#Call the HandleMissingValues object and replace with zero the missing values in the lists with the scrap quantity data
P1_Scrap= B.ReplaceWithZero(P1_Scrap)
P2_Scrap= B.ReplaceWithZero(P2_Scrap)
......@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ P10_Scrap= B.ReplaceWithZero(P10_Scrap)
P11_Scrap= B.ReplaceWithZero(P11_Scrap)
# #Call the BasicSatatisticalMeasures object
#Create a list with values the calculated mean value of scrap quantity on the different stations in the line
listScrap=[C.mean(P1_Scrap),C.mean(P2_Scrap),C.mean(P3_Scrap),C.mean(P4_Scrap),C.mean(P5_Scrap),C.mean(P6_Scrap),C.mean(P7_Scrap),C.mean(P8_Scrap),C.mean(P9_Scrap),C.mean(P10_Scrap), C.mean(P11_Scrap)]
D= DataManagement()
D= DataManipulation()
listScrap=D.round(listScrap) #Round the mean values of the list so as to get integers
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ dictProc['P9']= E.ks_test(P9_Proc)
dictProc['P10']= E.ks_test(P10_Proc)
dictProc['P11']= E.ks_test(P11_Proc)
F= Output()
F= ExcelOutput()
F.PrintStatisticalMeasures(P2_Proc, "StatisticalMeasuresResults_P2Proc.xls")
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