ifmax(scores)-min(scores)<=0.001*min(scores):#Termination Criteria to check for convergence - in this case, if the current solutions are within 10% range
ifmax(scores)-min(scores)<=0.001*min(scores):#Termination Criteria to check for convergence - in this case, if the current solutions are within 10% range
chromosomes=[]#list of ants that are being evaluated, an ant is a combination of different weighting factors for multi-obj optimisation (PB assignment)
bestChromosome=[]# record best chromosome for current generation
# reassess the chromosome if it has been changed and has never been investigated (does not belong to testedChromosomes)
#if changeC[item] and chromosomes[item]['chromo']['seq'] not in testedChrom: #FIXME: se e`in tested non si hanno i possono lasciare in bianco perche`counque non e`il milgiore cromosoma :