Commit 33f02e01 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Jérome Perrin

minor changes to ConditionalBuffer haveToDispose()

parent 79a73ba1
......@@ -51,39 +51,44 @@ class ConditionalBuffer(QueuePreemptive):
thecaller = callerObject
# assert that the callerObject is not None
assert thecaller!=None, 'the caller object of the ConditionalBuffer should not be None'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# check the length of the activeObjectQueue
# if the length is zero then no componentType or entity.type can be read
# in this case return zero
if len(activeObjectQueue)==0:
return False
# read the entity to be disposed
activeEntity = activeObjectQueue[0]
# assert that the entity.type is OrderComponent
assert activeEntity.type=='OrderComponent',\
"the entity to be disposed is not of type OrderComponent"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# if the type of the component is Secondary then verify that the basics of the same Order
# are already processed before disposing them to the next object
if activeEntity.componentType=='Secondary'\
and (not activeEntity.order.basicsEnded):
return False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#if we have only one possible receiver just check if the receiver is the caller
if(len( or callerObject==None):[0]
return thecaller==activeObject.receiver
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#give the entity to the possible receiver that is waiting for the most time.
#plant does not do this in every occasion!
# loop through the object in the successor list
# loop through the object in the successor list
for object in
if(object.canAccept(activeObject)): # if the object can accept
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # compare the time that it has been waiting
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# with the others'
# if the object can accept
# compare the time that it has been waiting with the others'
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):
self.receiver=object # and update the receiver to the index of this object
# and update the receiver to the index of this object
#return True if the Queue caller is the receiver
return thecaller is self.receiver
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