OperatedPoolBroker now checks if the activeQueue of the victim is empty before...

OperatedPoolBroker now checks if the activeQueue of the victim is empty before it releases the operator
parent 3ab6f90b
......@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class Broker(ObjectInterruption):
# set the available resource as the currentOperator
yield request,self,self.victim.operatorPool.getResource(self.victim.currentOperator)
# print now(), self.victim.currentOperator.objName, 'started work in ', self.victim.id
# self.victim.totalTimeWaitingForOperator+=now()-self.timeWaitForOperatorStarted
# clear the timeWaitForOperatorStarted variable
self.timeWaitForOperatorStarted = 0
......@@ -79,6 +81,12 @@ class Broker(ObjectInterruption):
# ======= release a resource
elif not self.victim.isOperated():
# if the following object is not of type Machine
if self.victim.receiver.type!='Machine':
# if the processingType is 'Processing' and not only 'Load' or 'Setup'
if any(type=='Processing' for type in self.victim.multOperationTypeList):
# wait until the victim has released the entity it was processing
yield waituntil, self, self.victim.activeQueueIsEmpty
#self.victim.outputTrace(self.victim.currentOperator.objName, "left "+ self.victim.objName)
yield release,self,self.victim.operatorPool.getResource(self.victim.currentOperator)
# the victim current operator must be cleared after the operator is released
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