Commit 50df0c02 authored by Dipo Olaitan's avatar Dipo Olaitan

Allocation and Utilization chart plugins for Capacity Stations

parent 0a24e21b
from dream.plugins import plugin
from dream.plugins.TimeSupport import TimeSupportMixin
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from copy import deepcopy
class StationAllocations(plugin.OutputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
""" Output the queue statistics in a format compatible with Output_viewGraph, for the second widget by week.
def postprocess(self, data):
startPeriod = datetime.strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], data['general']['dateFormat'])
for result in data['result']['result_list']:
#result = data['result']['result_list'][0]
bottleNeckUtilizationDict = result['bottleneck_utilization_by_week'] = {}
operationNames = []
byPeriod = dict((period,{}) for period in range(len(result['elementList'][10]['results']['capacityUsed'])))
opNo = 0
for recd in result['elementList']:
if recd.get('family') == 'CapacityStation':
projectNames = list(set([rc['project'] for rc in recd['results']['detailedWorkPlan']]))
for prd,pln in enumerate(recd['results']['capacityUsed']):
totalCapa = max(0.01,sum([pln.setdefault(project,0) for project in projectNames]))
totalUtilization = pln["utilization"]
for pr in projectNames:
if pr in byPeriod[prd]:#byPeriod[prd]:
byPeriod[prd][pr].append([opNo,(pln.setdefault(pr,0)/totalCapa * totalUtilization)])
byPeriod[prd][pr] = [[opNo,(pln.setdefault(pr,0)/totalCapa * totalUtilization)]]
opNo += 1
for pd in byPeriod:
series = []
currentPeriod = str(startPeriod + timedelta(days=pd))[:10]
#ticks = [[num,oprtn] for num,oprtn in enumerate(operationNames)]
ticks = list(enumerate(operationNames))
options = {"xaxis": {"minTickSize": 1,"ticks": ticks},"series": {"bars": {"show": True,"barWidth": 0.10,"order": 1,"align": "center"},"stack": False}}
bottleNeckUtilizationDict[currentPeriod] = {"series": series,"options": options}
for pj in byPeriod[pd]:
series.append({"label":pj,"data": byPeriod[pd][pj]})
return data
from dream.plugins import plugin
from dream.plugins.TimeSupport import TimeSupportMixin
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from copy import deepcopy
class PeriodUtilizations(plugin.OutputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
""" Output the queue statistics in a format compatible with Output_viewGraph, for the second widget by week.
def postprocess(self, data):
startPeriod = datetime.strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], data['general']['dateFormat'])
for result in data['result']['result_list']:
#bottleNeckUtilizationDict = result['capacity_utilization'] = {}
operationNames = []
byPeriod = dict((period,{}) for period in range(len(result['elementList'][10]['results']['capacityUsed'])))
opNo = 0
operationUtil = {}
for recd in result['elementList']:
if recd.get('family') == 'CapacityStation':
operationUtil[recd.get('id')] = []
#projectNames = list(set([rc['project'] for rc in recd['results']['detailedWorkPlan']]))
for prd,pln in enumerate(recd['results']['capacityUsed']):
currentPeriod = str(startPeriod + timedelta(days=prd))[:10]
#totalCapa = max(0.01,sum([pln.setdefault(project,0) for project in projectNames]))
totalUtilization = pln["utilization"]
ticks = [lb[0] for lb in operationUtil[recd.get('id')]]
series = []
options = {"xaxis": {"ticks": ticks, "minTickSize": [1, self.getTimeUnitText()]}}
result['capacity_utilization'] = {"series": series,"options": options}
for operation in operationUtil:
series.append({"label": operation, "data": operationUtil[operation]})
#currentPeriod = str(startPeriod + timedelta(days=pd))[:10]
#ticks = [[num,oprtn] for num,oprtn in enumerate(operationNames)]
#label = operation
#ticks = list(enumerate(operationNames))
#options = {"xaxis": {"minTickSize": 1,"ticks": ticks},"series": {"bars": {"show": True,"barWidth": 0.10,"order": 1,"align": "center"},"stack": False}}
#bottleNeckUtilizationDict = {"series": series,"options": options}
#for pj in byPeriod[pd]:
#series.append({"label":operation,"data": operationUtil[operation]})
return data
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