Commit 6828c186 authored by panos's avatar panos

A test created for this example

parent 3ccc00a4
......@@ -31,62 +31,83 @@ from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.JSONOutput import JSONOutput
import dream.simulation.LineGenerationJSON as ManPyMain #import ManPy main JSON script
import xlrd
import json
import os
#Read from the given directory the Excel document with the input data
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('inputData.xls')
worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_ProcessingTimes = worksheets[0] #Define the worksheet with the Processing times data
worksheet_MTTF = worksheets[1] #Define the worksheet with Time-to-Failure data
worksheet_MTTR = worksheets[2] #Define the worksheet with Time-to-Repair data
A = Import_Excel() #Call the Python object Import_Excel
ProcessingTimes = A.Input_data(worksheet_ProcessingTimes, workbook) #Create the Processing Times dictionary with key the Machine 1 and values the processing time data
MTTF=A.Input_data(worksheet_MTTF, workbook) #Create the MTTF dictionary with key the Machine 1 and time-to-failure data
MTTR=A.Input_data(worksheet_MTTR, workbook) #Create the MTTR Quantity dictionary with key the Machine 1 and time-to-repair data
##Get from the above dictionaries the M1 key and define the following lists with data
ProcTime = ProcessingTimes.get('M1',[])
MTTF = MTTF.get('M1',[])
MTTR = MTTR.get('M1',[])
#Call the HandleMissingValues object and replace the missing values in the lists with the mean of the non-missing values
B =HandleMissingValues()
ProcTime = B.ReplaceWithMean(ProcTime)
MTTF = B.ReplaceWithMean(MTTF)
MTTR = B.ReplaceWithMean(MTTR)
C = Distributions() #Call the Distributions object
D = DistFittest() #Call the DistFittest object
ProcTime_dist = D.ks_test(ProcTime)
MTTF_dist = C.Exponential_distrfit(MTTF)
MTTR_dist = C.Exponential_distrfit(MTTR)
#================================= Output preparation: output the updated values in the JSON file of this example =========================================================#
jsonFile = open('JSON_AssembleDismantle.json','r') #It opens the JSON file
data = json.load(jsonFile) #It loads the file
data=exportJSON.ProcessingTimes(data, stationId, ProcTime_dist)
data1=exportJSON.TTF(data, stationId, MTTF_dist)
data2=exportJSON.TTR(data1, stationId, MTTR_dist)
def main(test=0, ExcelFileName='inputData.xls',
if not workbook:
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ExcelFileName))
#Read from the given directory the Excel document with the input data
worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_ProcessingTimes = worksheets[0] #Define the worksheet with the Processing times data
worksheet_MTTF = worksheets[1] #Define the worksheet with Time-to-Failure data
worksheet_MTTR = worksheets[2] #Define the worksheet with Time-to-Repair data
jsonFile = open('JSON_AssembleDismantle_Output.json',"w") #It opens the JSON file
jsonFile.write(json.dumps(data2, indent=True)) #It writes the updated data to the JSON file
jsonFile.close() #It closes the file
#================================ Calling the ExcelOutput object, outputs the outcomes of the statistical analysis in xls files =============================================#
#================================ Call ManPy and run the simulation model =============================================#
#calls ManPy main script with the input
# save the simulation output
jsonFile = open('ManPyOutput.json',"w") #It opens the JSON file
jsonFile.write(simulationOutput) #It writes the updated data to the JSON file
jsonFile.close() #It closes the file
\ No newline at end of file
A = Import_Excel() #Call the Python object Import_Excel
ProcessingTimes = A.Input_data(worksheet_ProcessingTimes, workbook) #Create the Processing Times dictionary with key the Machine 1 and values the processing time data
MTTF=A.Input_data(worksheet_MTTF, workbook) #Create the MTTF dictionary with key the Machine 1 and time-to-failure data
MTTR=A.Input_data(worksheet_MTTR, workbook) #Create the MTTR Quantity dictionary with key the Machine 1 and time-to-repair data
##Get from the above dictionaries the M1 key and define the following lists with data
ProcTime = ProcessingTimes.get('M1',[])
MTTF = MTTF.get('M1',[])
MTTR = MTTR.get('M1',[])
#Call the HandleMissingValues object and replace the missing values in the lists with the mean of the non-missing values
B =HandleMissingValues()
ProcTime = B.ReplaceWithMean(ProcTime)
MTTF = B.ReplaceWithMean(MTTF)
MTTR = B.ReplaceWithMean(MTTR)
C = Distributions() #Call the Distributions object
D = DistFittest() #Call the DistFittest object
ProcTime_dist = D.ks_test(ProcTime)
MTTF_dist = C.Exponential_distrfit(MTTF)
MTTR_dist = C.Exponential_distrfit(MTTR)
#================================= Output preparation: output the updated values in the JSON file of this example =========================================================#
if not jsonFile:
jsonFile = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), JSONFileName),'r') #It opens the JSON file
data = json.load(jsonFile) #It loads the file
data = json.load(jsonFile)
data=exportJSON.ProcessingTimes(data, stationId, ProcTime_dist)
data1=exportJSON.TTF(data, stationId, MTTF_dist)
data2=exportJSON.TTR(data1, stationId, MTTR_dist)
#================================ Call ManPy and run the simulation model =============================================#
#calls ManPy main script with the input
# if we run from test return the ManPy result
if test:
return simulationOutput
#===================== Output the JSON file ========================================#
jsonFile = open('JSON_AssembleDismantle_Output.json',"w") #It opens the JSON file
jsonFile.write(json.dumps(data2, indent=True)) #It writes the updated data to the JSON file
jsonFile.close() #It closes the file
#================================ Calling the ExcelOutput object, outputs the outcomes of the statistical analysis in xls files =============================================#
#================================ Call ManPy and run the simulation model =============================================#
#calls ManPy main script with the input
# save the simulation output
jsonFile = open('ManPyOutput.json',"w") #It opens the JSON file
jsonFile.write(simulationOutput) #It writes the updated data to the JSON file
jsonFile.close() #It closes the file
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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