Commit 97d48c06 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

remove getEntity from ExitJobShop. It does not need to override it

parent 9e2c6a5a
......@@ -64,20 +64,3 @@ class ExitJobShop(Exit):
return True
return False
# overides the default getEntity
def getEntity(self):
activeEntity = Exit.getEntity(self) #run the default method
from Globals import G
# for all the entities in the EntityList
for entity in G.EntityList:
if requiredParts:
# if the activeEntity is in the requierdParts of the entity
if activeEntity in requiredParts:
# if the entity that requires the activeEntity can proceed then signal the currentStation of the entity
if entity.checkIfRequiredPartsReady() and entity.currentStation.expectedSignals['canDispose']:
self.sendSignal(receiver=entity.currentStation, signal=entity.currentStation.canDispose)
return activeEntity
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