@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ expanded and validated through the industrial pilot cases of DREAM. Nevertheless
@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ expanded and validated through the industrial pilot cases of DREAM. Nevertheless
launch the project in order to attract the interest of simulation modellers and software
launch the project in order to attract the interest of simulation modellers and software
Note that ManPy currently uses SimPy2 (http://simpy.sourceforge.net/old/). Soon it will be upgraded to the newest version SimPy3 (http://simpy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/).
How to get started
How to get started
Note: This section does not apply if DREAM is installed with python setup.py or
if you use buildout.
To be able to run the documentation examples just copy the dream/simulation to your Python folder. Then you can import ManPy objects as it is written in the examples, e.g.:
To be able to run the documentation examples just copy the dream/simulation to your Python folder. Then you can import ManPy objects as it is written in the examples, e.g.: