endProcessingActions removed from MachineJobShop

parent d98910af
......@@ -72,68 +72,68 @@ class MachineJobShop(Machine):
Machine.initialize(self) #run default behaviour
# =======================================================================
# actions to be carried out when the processing of an Entity ends
# =======================================================================
def endProcessingActions(self):
# set isProcessing to False
# add working time
# blocking starts
# self.printTrace(activeEntity.name,processEnd=activeObject.objName)
# reset the variables used to handle the interruptions timing
# self.timeRestartingProcessing=0
# output to trace that the processing in the Machine self.objName ended
activeObject.outputTrace(activeEntity.name,"ended processing in "+activeObject.objName)
except IndexError:
import Globals
from Globals import G
# the entity that just got processed is cold again it will get
# hot again by the time it reaches the giver of the next machine
# TODO: Not only Machines require time to process entities
if activeEntity.family=='Job':
# read the list of next stations for the entity in just finished processing
nextObjects = []
for nextObjectId in nextObjectIds:
for object in nextObjects:
if not object in G.MachineList:
if not successorsAreMachines:
activeObjectQueue[0].hot = False
# the just processed entity is added to the list of entities
# pending for the next processing
# set the variable that flags an Entity is ready to be disposed
#do this so that if it is overtime working it is not counted as off-shift time
if not activeObject.onShift:
# update the variables keeping track of Entity related attributes of the machine
activeObject.timeLastEntityEnded=self.env.now # this holds the time that the last entity ended processing in Machine
activeObject.nameLastEntityEnded=activeObject.currentEntity.name # this holds the name of the last entity that ended processing in Machine
activeObject.completedJobs+=1 # Machine completed one more Job
# reset flags
# TODO: collapse that to Machine
# # =======================================================================
# # actions to be carried out when the processing of an Entity ends
# # =======================================================================
# def endProcessingActions(self):
# # set isProcessing to False
# self.isProcessing=False
# # add working time
# self.totalWorkingTime+=self.env.now-self.timeLastProcessingStarted
# # blocking starts
# self.isBlocked=True
# self.timeLastBlockageStarted=self.env.now
# activeObject=self.getActiveObject()
# activeObjectQueue=activeObject.Res.users
# activeEntity=activeObjectQueue[0]
# # self.printTrace(activeEntity.name,processEnd=activeObject.objName)
# # reset the variables used to handle the interruptions timing
# # self.timeRestartingProcessing=0
# self.breakTime=0
# # output to trace that the processing in the Machine self.objName ended
# try:
# activeObject.outputTrace(activeEntity.name,"ended processing in "+activeObject.objName)
# except IndexError:
# pass
# import Globals
# from Globals import G
# # the entity that just got processed is cold again it will get
# # hot again by the time it reaches the giver of the next machine
# # TODO: Not only Machines require time to process entities
# if activeEntity.family=='Job':
# # read the list of next stations for the entity in just finished processing
# nextObjectIds=activeEntity.remainingRoute[0].get('stationIdsList',[])
# nextObjects = []
# for nextObjectId in nextObjectIds:
# nextObject=Globals.findObjectById(nextObjectId)
# nextObjects.append(nextObject)
# successorsAreMachines=True
# for object in nextObjects:
# if not object in G.MachineList:
# successorsAreMachines=False
# break
# if not successorsAreMachines:
# activeObjectQueue[0].hot = False
# # the just processed entity is added to the list of entities
# # pending for the next processing
# G.pendingEntities.append(activeObjectQueue[0])
# # set the variable that flags an Entity is ready to be disposed
# activeObject.waitToDispose=True
# #do this so that if it is overtime working it is not counted as off-shift time
# if not activeObject.onShift:
# activeObject.timeLastShiftEnded=self.env.now
# # update the variables keeping track of Entity related attributes of the machine
# activeObject.timeLastEntityEnded=self.env.now # this holds the time that the last entity ended processing in Machine
# activeObject.nameLastEntityEnded=activeObject.currentEntity.name # this holds the name of the last entity that ended processing in Machine
# activeObject.completedJobs+=1 # Machine completed one more Job
# # reset flags
# self.shouldPreempt=False
# self.isProcessingInitialWIP=False
# # TODO: collapse that to Machine
# =======================================================================
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