Commit b3f95f9f authored by panos's avatar panos

A test added in this example

parent 9d91378e
......@@ -22,71 +22,90 @@ Created on 4 Dec 2014
# along with DREAM. If not, see <>.
# ===========================================================================
from DistributionFitting import Distributions
from DistributionFitting import DistFittest
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.DistributionFitting import Distributions
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.DistributionFitting import DistFittest
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
from Simul8XML import Simul8Output
from ImportCSVdata import Import_CSV
from ImportExceldata import Import_Excel
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.Simul8XML import Simul8Output
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ImportCSVdata import Import_CSV
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ImportExceldata import Import_Excel
import xlrd
import os
def main(test=0, ExcelFileName='DataSet.xlsx',
workbook=None, csvFile=None, simul8XMLFile=None):
#================================= Extract the required data from the data files ==========================================#
filename = ("ProcTimesData.csv")
csv = Import_CSV() #call the Import_CSV module and using its method Input_data import the data set from the CSV file to the tool
Data = csv.Input_data(filename)
Activity2_Proc = Data.get('Activity 2',[]) #get from the returned Python dictionary the two data sets
Activity3_Proc = Data.get('Activity 3',[])
#Read from the given directory the Excel document with the data
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('DataSet.xlsx')
worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_Inter = worksheets[0] #Define the worksheet with the Inter-arrivals time data
data = Import_Excel()
interTimes = data.Input_data(worksheet_Inter, workbook) #Create the Inter-arrival times dictionary with key the Source and values the inter-arrival time data
S1 = interTimes.get('Source',[])
#Read from the given directory the Excel document with the data
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('DataSet.xlsx')
worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_Fail = worksheets[1] #Define the worksheet with the failures data (MTTF,MTTR)
data = Import_Excel()
failures = data.Input_data(worksheet_Fail, workbook) #Create the failures dictionary with key the MTTF and MTTR data points
MTTF = failures.get('MTTF',[])
MTTR = failures.get('MTTR',[])
#======================= Fit data to probability distributions ================================#
#The Distributions and DistFittest objects are called to fit statistical distributions to the in scope data
dist = Distributions()
act2Proc = dist.Weibull_distrfit(Activity2_Proc)
act3Proc = dist.Weibull_distrfit(Activity3_Proc)
s1Times = dist.Exponential_distrfit(S1)
distFit = DistFittest()
act1MTTF = distFit.ks_test(MTTF)
act1MTTR = distFit.ks_test(MTTR)
#======================= Output preparation: output the updated values in the XML file of this example ================================#
datafile = ('Topology1.xml') #define the input xml file
tree = et.parse(datafile)
simul8 = Simul8Output() #Call the Simul8Output object
#Assign the statistical distribution calculated above in the XML file using methods of the Simul8Output object
interTimes = simul8.InterArrivalTime(tree,'Source', s1Times)
procTimes2 = simul8.ProcTimes(interTimes,'Activity 2', act2Proc)
procTimes3 = simul8.ProcTimes(procTimes2,'Activity 3', act3Proc)
#Again assign the MTTF and MTTR probability distributions calling the relevant methods from the Simul8Output object
MTTF1 = simul8.MTBF(procTimes3,'Activity 1', act1MTTF)
MTTR1 = simul8.MTTR(MTTF1,'Activity 1', act1MTTR )
#Output the XML file with the processed data
output= MTTR1.write('KEtool_Topology1.xml')
if csvFile:
CSVFileName =
filename = CSVFileName
csv = Import_CSV() #call the Import_CSV module and using its method Input_data import the data set from the CSV file to the tool
Data = csv.Input_data(filename)
Activity2_Proc = Data.get('Activity 2',[]) #get from the returned Python dictionary the two data sets
Activity3_Proc = Data.get('Activity 3',[])
#Read from the given directory the Excel document with the data
if not workbook:
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ExcelFileName))
worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_Inter = worksheets[0] #Define the worksheet with the Inter-arrivals time data
data = Import_Excel()
interTimes = data.Input_data(worksheet_Inter, workbook) #Create the Inter-arrival times dictionary with key the Source and values the inter-arrival time data
S1 = interTimes.get('Source',[])
#Read from the given directory the Excel document with the data
worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
worksheet_Fail = worksheets[1] #Define the worksheet with the failures data (MTTF,MTTR)
data = Import_Excel()
failures = data.Input_data(worksheet_Fail, workbook) #Create the failures dictionary with key the MTTF and MTTR data points
MTTF = failures.get('MTTF',[])
MTTR = failures.get('MTTR',[])
#======================= Fit data to probability distributions ================================#
#The Distributions and DistFittest objects are called to fit statistical distributions to the in scope data
dist = Distributions()
act2Proc = dist.Weibull_distrfit(Activity2_Proc)
act3Proc = dist.Weibull_distrfit(Activity3_Proc)
s1Times = dist.Exponential_distrfit(S1)
distFit = DistFittest()
act1MTTF = distFit.ks_test(MTTF)
act1MTTR = distFit.ks_test(MTTR)
#======================= Output preparation: output the updated values in the XML file of this example ================================#
if not simul8XMLFile:
datafile=(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), simul8XMLFileName)) #It defines the name or the directory of the XML file
tree = et.parse(datafile)
tree = et.parse(datafile)
simul8 = Simul8Output() #Call the Simul8Output object
#Assign the statistical distribution calculated above in the XML file using methods of the Simul8Output object
interTimes = simul8.InterArrivalTime(tree,'Source', s1Times)
procTimes2 = simul8.ProcTimes(interTimes,'Activity 2', act2Proc)
procTimes3 = simul8.ProcTimes(procTimes2,'Activity 3', act3Proc)
#Again assign the MTTF and MTTR probability distributions calling the relevant methods from the Simul8Output object
MTTF1 = simul8.MTBF(procTimes3,'Activity 1', act1MTTF)
MTTR1 = simul8.MTTR(MTTF1,'Activity 1', act1MTTR)
#Output the XML file with the processed data
output= MTTR1.write('KEtool_Topology1.xml')
if test:
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
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