Commit c150f75e authored by panos's avatar panos

MergeSteps plug-in added to merge the route steps in one technology step

parent 9d6e8f22
from copy import copy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
from datetime import datetime
import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
class MergeSteps(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and merges the route steps that constitute on technology step
def preprocess(self, data):
""" merge the steps that constitute one single technology step
orders = data["input"].get("BOM", {}).get("productionOrders", {})
# for all the orders
for order in orders:
orderComponents = order.get("componentsList", [])
# for each component of the order
for component in orderComponents:
route = component.get("route", [])
updatedRoute = []
technologySequence = []
for index, step in enumerate(route):
technology = step["technology"]
technology = technology.split("-")[0]
# XXX loadType is always manual for this pilot
step["operationType"] = {"Load" : 1}
'''processingType + operator for processing'''
# if the operator is defined as automatic or
# XXX if the technology is EDM
# then set the processing type as automatic and remove the operator property
if step["operator"] == "Automatic"\
or step["technology"] == "EDM":
step["operationType"]["Processing"] = 0
step["operationType"]["Processing"] = 1
tempOperator = copy.deepcopy(step["operator"])
step["operator"] = {}
step["operator"]["processing"] = [tempOperator]
step["operator"]["load"] = [tempOperator]
'''find out if there is there is any previous step to merge with'''
idxToMerge = None
if technologySequence:
if technology == technologySequence[-1]:
if len(route[index-1]["technology"].split("-")):
if route[index-1]["technology"].split("-")[-1]=="SET":
idxToMerge = index-1
idxToMerge = None
'''if we must merge two steps'''
if idxToMerge != None:
# remove the previous step from the updatedRoute and technologySequence
stepToMerge = route[idxToMerge]
# parts needed
step["requiredParts"] = stepToMerge["requiredParts"]
# technology
step["technology"] = technology
# setupTime
if stepToMerge["processingTime"]:
step["setupTime"] = stepToMerge["processingTime"]
# setupType + operator for setup
if stepToMerge["operator"] == "Automatic":
step["operationType"]["Setup"] = 0
step["operationType"]["Setup"] = 1
tempOperator = copy.deepcopy(step["operator"])
tempOperator = None
step["operator"] = {}
step["operator"]["setup"] = route[idxToMerge]["operator"]["processing"]
step["operator"]["load"] = route[idxToMerge]["operator"]["load"]
if tempOperator:
step["operator"]["processing"] = tempOperator["processing"]
'''find out if the setup is completed, but no processing is performed yet; in that case the part should be placed in WIP (though the route is not split yet) '''
step["completed"] = [stepToMerge["completed"][0], step["completed"]]
'''make the completed attribute a list '''
step["completed"] = [step["completed"]]
# append the (updated) step to the temporary route
# update the route of the step
component["route"] = updatedRoute
return data
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