Commit cdaaaeee authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

allow the definition of shift in weekends

parent 07cb738f
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class ReadJSShifts(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
#sorts the list in case the records were not entered in correct ascending order
for info in exceptionShiftPattern:
# ================================================================
#create default pattern for all operators (10 days long)
timeStartList = []
......@@ -188,23 +188,30 @@ class ReadJSShifts(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
# calculate the number of days till the end of the exception
exceptionDay = math.floor((exception[-1] - hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600)/24) + 1
for index2, default in enumerate(defaultShiftPattern[node]):
# check if we still are in the first day
if hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600 > default[-1]:
defaultDay = 0
# calculate the number of days till the end of the default shift
defaultDay = math.floor((default[-1] - hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600)/24) + 1
if exceptionDay == defaultDay:
# update the defaultShiftPattern of the node (operator or machine)
# if the exception day has not been modified then delete the previous entry and use the first exception that occurs
if not exceptionDay in modifiedDefaultDays:
defaultShiftPattern[node][index2] = exception
# otherwise append it at the end
modifiedDefaultDays.append(exceptionDay) # the day has been modified, add to the modified days
# check the weekday
# if it is weekend create shift entry for that date. The default pattern does not need to be changed
if exceptionDate.weekday() in [5,6]:
# for exceptions in weekdays
for index2, default in enumerate(defaultShiftPattern[node]):
# check if we still are in the first day
if hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600 > default[-1]:
defaultDay = 0
# calculate the number of days till the end of the default shift
defaultDay = math.floor((default[-1] - hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600)/24) + 1
if exceptionDay == defaultDay:
# update the defaultShiftPattern of the node (operator or machine)
# if the exception day has not been modified then delete the previous entry and use the first exception that occurs
if not exceptionDay in modifiedDefaultDays:
defaultShiftPattern[node][index2] = exception
# otherwise append it at the end
modifiedDefaultDays.append(exceptionDay) # the day has been modified, add to the modified days
# update the interruptions of the nodes that have a defaultShiftPattern
if node in defaultShiftPattern:
# sort the shift pattern of every node
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