#In the following example the operation times of the topology's two machines are given in an Excel document.
#Import_Excel object imports data from the Excel document to the tool and DistFittest object fits the data to a statistical distribution using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
workbook=xlrd.open_workbook('inputsKEtool.xls')#Using xlrd library opens the Excel document with the input data
workbook=xlrd.open_workbook('inputsTwoServers.xls')#Using xlrd library opens the Excel document with the input data
worksheet_OperationTime=worksheets[0]#It creates a variable that holds the first Excel worksheet
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ M2=Dict.get('M2')
#==================================== Output preparation: output the updated values in the CMSD information model of Topology10 ====================================================#
datafile=('CMSD_Topology10.xml')#It defines the name or the directory of the XML file that is manually written the CMSD information model
datafile=('CMSD_TwoServers.xml')#It defines the name or the directory of the XML file that is manually written the CMSD information model
tree=et.parse(datafile)#This file will be parsed using the XML.ETREE Python library
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ for process in process:
tree.write('CMSD_Topology10_Output.xml',encoding="utf8")#It writes the element tree to a specified file, using the 'utf8' output encoding
tree.write('CMSD_TwoServers_Output.xml',encoding="utf8")#It writes the element tree to a specified file, using the 'utf8' output encoding
#================================= Output preparation: output the updated values in the JSON file of Topology10 =========================================================#
jsonFile=open('JSON_Topology10.json','r')#It opens the Topology10 JSON file
jsonFile=open('JSON_TwoServers.json','r')#It opens the Topology10 JSON file
data=json.load(jsonFile)#It loads the file
nodes=data.get('coreObject',[])#It creates a variable that holds the 'coreObject' list
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ for element in nodes:
jsonFile=open('JSON_Topology10_Output.json',"w")#It opens the JSON file
jsonFile=open('JSON_TwoServers_Output.json',"w")#It opens the JSON file
jsonFile.write(json.dumps(data,indent=True))#It writes the updated data to the JSON file