ReadJSShifts plugin updated to create rolling patterns for a given...

ReadJSShifts plugin updated to create rolling patterns for a given (hard-coded) period of time. To be tested
parent 03f7ef7f
from copy import copy
import json
import math
import time
import random
import copy
......@@ -35,20 +36,24 @@ class ReadJSShifts(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
# read the current date and define dateFormat from it
now = strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
# calculate the hours to end the first day
hoursToEndFirstDay = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time(23,59,59)) - datetime.datetime.combine(, now.time())
data['general']['dateFormat']='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'
except ValueError:
now = strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d')
hoursToEndFirstDay = datetime.time(23,59,59)
shiftData = data["input"].get("shift_spreadsheet",[])
nodes = data["graph"]["node"]
shiftPattern = {} #shift pattern dictionary
defaultShiftPattern = {} #default shift pattern dictionary (if no pattern is defined for certain dates)
exceptionShiftPattern = {} # exceptions for shift pattern dictionary as defined in the spreadsheet
if shiftData:
#iteration through the raw data to structure it into ManPy config
for line in shiftData:
# if all the records of that line are none then continue
toContinue = False
......@@ -104,16 +109,21 @@ class ReadJSShifts(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
end = timeEndList[index]
if not start and not end:
shiftPattern[lastrec].append([start, end])
exceptionShiftPattern[lastrec].append([start, end])
#if resource name is defined
elif str(entityID) not in shiftPattern:
elif str(entityID) not in exceptionShiftPattern:
#take the name of the last entered resource from here
lastrec = str(entityID)
exceptionShiftPattern[lastrec] = []
for index, start in enumerate(timeStartList):
end = timeEndList[index]
if not start and not end:
shiftPattern[lastrec] = [[start, end]]
# if there is no other entry
if not len(exceptionShiftPattern[lastrec]):
exceptionShiftPattern[lastrec] = [[start, end]]
exceptionShiftPattern[lastrec].append([start, end])
#to avoid overwriting existing records, if there is another entry for a resource but does not follow it immediately (e.g. W2-FS)
lastrec = str(entityID)
......@@ -122,18 +132,78 @@ class ReadJSShifts(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
end = timeEndList[index]
if not start and not end:
shiftPattern[lastrec].append([start, end])
exceptionShiftPattern[lastrec].append([start, end])
#sorts the list in case the records were not entered in correct ascending order
for info in shiftPattern:
for info in exceptionShiftPattern:
# ================================================================
#create default pattern for all operators (10 days long)
timeStartList = []
timeEndList = []
for dayNumber in range(0,10):
startTime = "08:00"
endTime = "18:00"
upDate =
shiftStart = self.convertToSimulationTime(strptime("%s %s" % (upDate, startTime), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
shiftEnd = self.convertToSimulationTime(strptime("%s %s" % (upDate, endTime), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
timePair = self.correctTimePair(shiftStart, shiftEnd)
shiftStart, shiftEnd = timePair
#for every operator (can be also machine) create an entry on the defaultShiftPattern
for node, node_data in nodes.iteritems():
#if the node is an operator
if node_data.get('_class', None) == 'Dream.Operator':
for index, start in enumerate(timeStartList):
end = timeEndList[index]
if not start and not end:
if not node in defaultShiftPattern:
defaultShiftPattern[node] = [[start, end]]
defaultShiftPattern[node].append([start, end])
# ================================================================
for node, node_data in nodes.items():
if node in shiftPattern:
modifiedDefaultDays = [] # the days of the defaultShiftPattern that have been modified according to the exceptionShiftPattern
if node in exceptionShiftPattern:
for index1, exception in enumerate(exceptionShiftPattern[node]):
# XXX think of the case where the exception starts one day and finishes the next
# calculate the time difference in hours from the end of the first day to the end of the exception
# check if we are still in the first day
if hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600 > exception[-1]:
exceptionDay = 0
# calculate the number of days till the end of the exception
exceptionDay = math.floor((exception[-1] - hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600)/24) + 1
for index2, default in enumerate(defaultShiftPattern[node]):
# check if we still are in the first day
if hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600 > default[-1]:
defaultDay = 0
# calculate the number of days till the end of the default shift
defaultDay = math.floor((default[-1] - hoursToEndFirstDay.total_seconds()/3600)/24) + 1
if exceptionDay == defaultDay:
# update the defaultShiftPattern of the node (operator or machine)
# if the exception day has not been modified then delete the previous entry and use the first exception that occurs
if not exceptionDay in modifiedDefaultDays:
defaultShiftPattern[node][index2] = exception
# otherwise append it at the end
modifiedDefaultDays.append(exceptionDay) # the day has been modified, add to the modified days
# update the interruptions of the nodes that have a defaultShiftPattern
if node in defaultShiftPattern:
# sort the shift pattern of every node
# get the interruptions of the object
interruptions = node_data.get("interruptions", {})
if not interruptions:
node_data["interruptions"] = {}
node_data["interruptions"]["shift"] = {"shiftPattern": shiftPattern.pop(node),
node_data["interruptions"]["shift"] = {"shiftPattern": defaultShiftPattern.pop(node),
"endUnfinished": 0}
return data
\ No newline at end of file
return data
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