• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    ERP5TypeTestCase: review usage of erp5_site_global_id · 6c60d2f5
    Jérome Perrin authored
    This needs to be set on portal_memcached, because it's no longer acquired
    since 4889d523 (Define property's default value at class level., 2012-12-31)
    Use a hash to get a shorter value, because memcached keys are limited
    in size and a base64 of connection string was more than 70 characters.
    Fix the data type for python3, this is expected to be str, not bytes.
    XXX I feel setting on portal_memcached like this is wrong, I don't
    understand 4889d523 and it seems to me that we should revert that
    change now and let erp5_site_global_id be acquired from the ERP5 Site.
    portal_caches also uses erp5_site_global_id and it acquires it.
ERP5TypeTestCase.py 60.3 KB