Commit 1cbe6e56 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ui_test_core: fix a few typos

parent 0fbc3f6c
......@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
* Wrap a promise to make it usable by selenium commands.
* If the promise is rejected, the command will fail with the promise rejection value.
* If the promise is resovled, the resolved value is not used.
* If the promise is resolved, the resolved value is not used.
* The asynchronicity of do* method is as follow Selenium.prototype.doXXX
* returns a function and this function will be called again and again until:
* * function returns true, which means step is successfull
* * function returns true, which means step is successful
* * function returns false, which means step is not finished and function will be called again
* * an execption is raised, in that case the step is failed
* * an exception is raised, in that case the step is failed
* * global timeout is reached.
* we implement the state management with similar approach as what's discussed
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