Commit 49e680ed authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

accounting py3

parent e6107616
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ search_params = dict(
for brain in portal.portal_simulation.getInventoryList(**search_params):
if round(brain.total_price, precision) == 0:
print '%s has a 0 balance but some not grouped transactions.' % brain.mirror_section_relative_url
print('%s has a 0 balance but some not grouped transactions.' % brain.mirror_section_relative_url)
if fixit:
tr = brain.getObject().getParentValue()
grouped_line_list = tr.AccountingTransaction_guessGroupedLines()
......@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ for brain in portal.portal_simulation.getInventoryList(**search_params):
grouping_reference=None,) if not line.getObject().getGroupingReference()])
if grouped_line_list:
print 'FIXED', grouped_line_list
print('FIXED %s' % grouped_line_list)
print 'NOT FIXED'
print('NOT FIXED')
active_result = ActiveResult(
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