Commit 6c1a5927 authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin

ERP5SecurityManager: Use _person_cache in request to store path of user

parent c1958228
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class ERP5UserManager(BasePlugin):
def getPersonByReference(self, reference):
def _getPersonRelativeUrlFromReference(reference):
person_url = self.REQUEST.get('_login_cache', {}).get(reference)
person_url = self.REQUEST.get('_person_cache', {}).get(reference)
portal = self.getPortalObject()
if person_url is not None:
return person_url
......@@ -241,6 +241,10 @@ class ERP5UserManager(BasePlugin):
# authentication policy enabled, we need person object anyway
login = self.getPortalObject().unrestrictedTraverse(login_url)
if login and '_person_cache' not in self.REQUEST:
self.REQUEST.set('_person_cache', {})
self.REQUEST['_person_cache'][user_reference] = login.getParent()
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if user_reference is None:
# file a failed authentication attempt
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