Commit c0438640 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

testCMFCategory: test category membership to itself after move

This is bug #1900 "Save then clone a category set wrong categories on clone."

This was partially covered by test_13_RenameCategory but not for the
case where membership to self is set in .categories
parent dae7ddba
......@@ -660,6 +660,21 @@ class TestCMFCategory(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertTrue('region/europe' in europe.getCategoryList())
def test_CategoryCloneIsNotMemberOfCopiedCategory(self):
europe_west = self.portal.portal_categories['region']['europe']['west']
france = europe_west.france
# Initially, categories' getCategoryList is dynamic and not stored in
# .categories, but after a category ID is changed, interaction will update
# it's .categories to set the categories.
# We want to reproduce how .categories is handled when category is cloned.
cb_data = europe_west.manage_copyObjects(['france'])
destination = self.portal.portal_categories.region
copy_info, = destination.manage_pasteObjects(cb_data)
clone = destination[copy_info['new_id']]
self.assertEqual([clone.getRelativeUrl()], clone.getCategoryList())
def test_19_getCategoryList(self):
check that getCategoryList called on a category does not append self again
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