wip: erp5_test_result: fix Unauthorized error when access connector
We sometimes get Unauthorized
error when user cancel test suite, which then trigger TestResult_annotateCommit
the raison is getDestination()
return value even user has no permission, we should probably check permission instead
Node: activities-02
Failures: 4
User name: 'xxxxxx'
Uid: 7998010792602638657
Document: /nexedi/test_result_module/xxxxxxxx
Method: TestResult_annotateCommit
Arguments: ('canceled',)
Named Parameters: {}
Module Products.CMFActivity.ActivityTool, line 372, in __call__
result = method(*self.args, **self.kw)
Module Products.ERP5Type.patches.PythonScript, line 182, in __call__
return self._orig_bindAndExec(args, kw, None)
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 372, in _bindAndExec
return self._exec(bound_data, args, kw)
Module Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript, line 349, in _exec
result = function(*args, **kw)
Module script, line 41, in TestResult_annotateCommit
- <PythonScript at /nexedi/TestResult_annotateCommit used for /nexedi/test_result_module/xxxxxxxx>
- Line 41
connector = portal.restrictedTraverse(connector_url)
Module OFS.Traversable, line 360, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
Module OFS.Traversable, line 292, in unrestrictedTraverse
- __traceback_info__: ([], 'lab.nexedi.xxx')
next = guarded_getattr(obj, name)
Unauthorized: You are not allowed to access 'lab.nexedi.xxx' in this context