[renderjs_ui] Implement FormBox field
FormBox receives form definition directly inside its field thanks to modification of hateoas script to include result of renderForm
Implementation details
- New embedded page template was added (gadget_erp5_pt_embedded_form_render) which only passes all arguments directly to the form. Form was not modified thus as many code as possible is reused.
- Page:form was modified to accept erp5_document in its arguments. It is because FormBox uses it as direct subgadget.
- FormBox.py was modified to fix a bug in case of embedded context - the Form was saving field into a wrong object. Thus validation phase of a FormBox yields FormEditor (as before) but if there is embedded context in the formbox field itself it will pass it to the Editor.
- getHateoas renderField was heavily modified to be
- sematically more consistent
- not to use global variables which are defined after function definition (thus are not even clojures)
- shorten and simplify field dictionary construction by exporting common parts
- Base_edit was refactored meanwhile implementing FormBox edit (was deleted later because it was not needed)
- the same problems as before - semantics and unreadibility by not using comprehensions and destructive assignment
- FormBox with the same document as parent's and with fields directly on the document
- FormBox with the same document as parent's but with fields which are not on the document (such as Phone on Person for example)
- FormBox with different document than parent's
Changes carried out meanwhile
- fix naming of formpage -> page_form gadget to be consistent with other pages
- renderered -> rendered (variable name in page_form)
- keep name jio_key consistent in every page_template (form page template gadgets)
- clean up state dictionaries passed around (define important state variables in advance)