MRP: Manufacturing Order and Manufacturing Execution deprecate Production Report
In order to distinguish the "global" Production Order from the Order given to a Manufacturing Line. The concept of Manufacturing Order has been introduce. To follow this change, Manufacturing Execution is to replace Production Report that has been deprecated.
So the Process has evolved:
- From: Production Order
➡ Production Report➡ Production Packing List - To: Production Order
➡ Production Packing List➡ Manufacturing Order➡ Manufacturing Execution
- Manufacturing Execution behaves exactly as the former Production Report
- Production Report has been deprecated and moved to the bt5: erp5_mrp_legacy
- It is still possible to define the transformation on the Production Order.
The standard MRP process is described in as followed
PPL : Production Packing List
ME : Manufacturing Execution
PO : Production Order
MO : Manufacturing Order
IPL : Internal Packing List
The transformation used in this business process is split into two part,
this is configured by using transformed resource lines with different
trade phases.
Business Process
The Business process will proceed this way:
1/ Generate Production Order and confirm it
2/ Generate Manufacturing Order and confirm it
2/ Generate Manufacturing Execution p0 which generate a
the product with a variation to indicate it is a partial product.
The variation is trade_phase/mrp/p0. It takes place in workshop2
3/ Delivering the first Manufacturing Execution leads to the build
of a Production Packing List to move the delivered half built product
from "workshop2" to "workshop" the next fabrication line.
4/ Delivering the PPL will build the second Manufacturing Execution p1
which takes as input the variated expected product and resource 3 and 4.
It takes place in "workshop" node
5/ Delivering p1 will build the last production packing List with source
"workshop" and destination "destination"
Business Process Schema
order order p0 s0 p1 deliver
------- S0 ----- S1 ---- S2 ---- S3 ---- S4 -------- S5
Simulation Tree
* PO / new_order_root_simulation_rule
* Production Order Line
* default_delivering_rule
* default_production_rule
* MO
* default_transformation_rule
* input ME1
* input ME1
* output ME1 - partial product
* input ME2 - partial product
* default_transformation_source_rule
* input ME2
* default_transformation_source_rule
* input ME2
* default_transformation_source_rule
* output ME2