Review PDM terms and report dialogs

For PDM/Trade we use:
 - "Site" for node category
 - "Warehouse" for node
 - "Owner" for section category
 - "Owner" for section

For Invoicing/Accounting this does not change.

Also, since in PDM/Trade context we are sometimes only taking care of physical movements/quantities and not the ownership, make sure that:
 - "Site" is first in report dialogs
 - "Section Category" is not initialised from preference, so that reports show the quantities in a location regardless of the ownership

See merge request !1202
7 jobs for arnau
Status Job ID Name Coverage
passed ERP5.CodingStyleTest-Master

passed ERP5.UnitTest-Master


failed ERP5.UnitTest-Master.Medusa

passed SlapOS.Eggs.UnitTest-Master.Python2


passed SlapOS.Eggs.UnitTest-Master.Python3


failed ERP5.UnitTest-Master

passed SlapOS.Eggs.UnitTest-Master.Python3