Commit 3228147e authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek


parent 1879ec81
......@@ -91,11 +91,13 @@ it easy to copy or link group definitions. You may use subdirectories:
a file `groups/teaching/networking.json` defines a group called
## Examples
A typical group definition file looks like this:
"allow-recording": true,
"allow-subgroups": true
......@@ -105,20 +107,45 @@ password *1234*, empty username and password for presenters (ordinary
users with the right to enable their camera and microphone). The
`allow-recording` entry says that the operator is allowed to record videos
to disk, and the `allow-subgroups` entry says that subgroups will be
created automatically.
created automatically. This particular group does not allow password
login for ordinary users, and is suitable if you use invitations (see
*Stateful Token* below) for ordinary users.
In order to allow password login for ordinary users, add a list of users
as the entry `presenter`:
"op": [{"username":"jch","password":"1234"}],
"presenter": [{"username":"john", "password": "secret"}]
If the group is to be publicly accessible, you may allow logins with any
username and an empty password:
"op": [{"username":"jch","password":"1234"}],
"presenter": [{}],
"public": true
The empty dictionary `{}` is a wildcard entry: it matches any username and
any password. Setting `public` causes the group to be displayed in the
list of public groups on the landing page
## Reference
More precisely, every group definition file contains a single JSON
directory (a list of entries between `{' and `}'). All fields are
optional, but unless you specify at least one user definition (`op`,
`presenter`, or `other`), nobody will be able to join the group. The
following fields are allowed:
Every group definition file contains a single JSON directory (a list of
entries between `{' and `}'). All fields are optional, but unless you
specify at least one user definition (`op`, `presenter`, or `other`),
nobody will be able to join the group. The following fields are allowed:
- `op`, `presenter`, `other`: each of these is an array of user
definitions (see *Authorisation* below) and specifies the users allowed
to connect respectively with operator privileges, with presenter
privileges, and as passive listeners;
- `authKeys`, `authServer` and `authPortal`: see *Authorisation* below;
- `public`: if true, then the group is visible on the landing page;
- `public`: if true, then the group is listed on the landing page;
- `displayName`: a human-friendly version of the group name;
- `description`: a human-readable description of the group; this is
displayed on the landing page for public groups;
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