Sean McGivern authored
Oj's `object` mode is the default, and serialises symbols as `":foo"` (so the result of calling `#inspect` on the symbol). The `rails` mode, which is what we want, serialises them as the result of calling `#to_s`, so just `"foo"`. We set Oj's default mode to `rails` in an initialiser. However, this happens after we've already made a call that uses Oj - in `active_record_lifecycle.rb`, we add a hook to log when the ActiveRecord connection was established. For Puma, that hook will run after the worker start, which is also after the initialiser. However, running a console or a Rake task (like migrations) will run that hook immediately, so it's before we've set the default options, and uses `object` mode. Moving the initialiser to those that run before autoloading lets us sidestep this and always use `rails` mode.