# frozen_string_literal: true
# FIXME: git.info_for_file raises the following error
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/git-1.4.0/lib/git/lib.rb:956:in `command': (Danger::DSLError)
# [!] Invalid `Dangerfile` file:
# [!] Invalid `Dangerfile` file: git '--git-dir=/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab/.git' '--work-tree=/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab' cat-file '-t' '' 2>&1:fatal: Not a valid object name
# This seems to be the same as https://github.com/danger/danger/issues/535.
# locale_files_updated = git.modified_files.select { |path| path.start_with?('locale') }
# locale_files_updated.each do |locale_file_updated|
# git_stats = git.info_for_file(locale_file_updated)
# message "Git stats for #{locale_file_updated}: #{git_stats[:insertions]} insertions, #{git_stats[:deletions]} insertions"
# end
if git.lines_of_code > 2_000
warn "This merge request is definitely too big (#{git.lines_of_code} lines changed), please split it into multiple merge requests."
elsif git.lines_of_code > 500
warn "This merge request is quite big (#{git.lines_of_code} lines changed), please consider splitting it into multiple merge requests."
Heinrich Lee Yu authored
This reverts merge request !58130