• Toon Claes's avatar
    test: Expand bundle path to absolute path · 566df091
    Toon Claes authored
    In previous commit we started setting BUNDLE_PATH as an environment
    variable, and this works great. But this value gets overridden in case
    it's specified in the local config. You can see so by using the
    `bundle config` command:
        $ BUNDLE_PATH=vendor/bundle bundle config path
        Settings for `path` in order of priority. The top value will be used
        Set for your local app (/home/r/gdk/gitlab/.bundle/config): "vendor/bundle"
        Set via BUNDLE_PATH: "vendor/bundle"
        Set for the current user (/home/r/.config/bundle): "vendor/bundle"
    This isn't persay an issue, but in most cases this is set as a relative
    path. Because different `bundle` commands might get triggered from
    different directory levels in the project tree, this might become an
    To overcome this, the active value of BUNDLE_PATH is read, expanded to
    an absolute path and passed back to the environment. But because of the
    prioritization demonstrated above, we need to set BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG
    so any local, user, or system configuration is ignored.
gitaly_setup.rb 5.07 KB