• Dylan Griffith's avatar
    Add search autocomplete suggestions for recently viewed epics · e249fdfe
    Dylan Griffith authored
    This implements the same thing we implemented for [issues](
    ) and [merge requests](
    ) now for Epics. This required a slightly different approach as the
    `EpicsFinder` was not suitable for this purpose. At present it only
    supports searching within a single group. And extending it to support
    wider use cases would likely lead to performance issues as there is no
    equivalent group permissions cache like `project_authorizations` table
    to efficiently determine which groups a user can view epics in.
    The simpler thing to do here was to just manually check the permissions
    for each returned epic. This leaves a very edge case scenarion in which
    a user was previously able to see an epic and looked at that epic in
    their last 100 viewed epics and then performs a search and now only sees
    4 suggestions (instead of the expected 5). This in theory, if the epic
    was renamed and the new name contained something important the user
    shouldn't see, could lead to the leak of an existence of that name in
    the search results. Considering this edge case is so unlikely it seems
    safe to not worry too much about it.
259608-add-autocomplete-suggestions-for-epics.yml 114 Bytes