• Rémy Coutable's avatar
    Merge branch 'and-you-get-awards' into 'master' · 2f54abc5
    Rémy Coutable authored
    And Snippets get awards
    ## What does this MR do?
    Makes snippets more awesome, by making them awardables
    ## Why was this MR needed?
    Because Snippets were left behind.
    ## What are the relevant issue numbers?
    Closes #17878
    See merge request !4456
show.html.haml 638 Bytes
- page_title @snippet.title, "Snippets"

= render 'shared/snippets/header'

      = blob_icon 0, @snippet.file_name
      = @snippet.file_name
        = clipboard_button(clipboard_target: ".blob-content[data-blob-id='#{@snippet.id}']")
        = link_to 'Raw', raw_namespace_project_snippet_path(@project.namespace, @project, @snippet), class: "btn btn-sm", target: "_blank"
    = render 'shared/snippets/blob'

  = render 'award_emoji/awards_block', awardable: @snippet, inline: true

  %div#notes= render "projects/notes/notes_with_form"