• Stan Hu's avatar
    Fix encrypted application settings not working with pending migrations · b0c8bcd1
    Stan Hu authored
    In GitLab 12.3.7, a number of fields were encrypted with
    attr_encrypted. Unfortunately, `FakeApplicationSetting` doesn't
    implement the `attr_encrypted` fields, so any encrypted value stored in
    the database would be empty while pending migrations exist.
    Originally `FakeApplicationSetting` existed when mixed versions of
    GitLab in a no-downtime deployment used the same Redis key, causing new
    attributes to be present when they were not known by older
    deployments. `FakeApplicationSetting` is really only needed in a Rake
    task where certain application settings may be expected to be available
    but haven't been applied via a migration. Since the cache key is now
    based on the GitLab and Rails version, this should no longer be an
    We restrict the use of `FakeApplicationSetting` to Rake tasks. Web and
    Sidekiq workers should always have a real `ApplicationSetting` object.
    Closes https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/197988
sh-fix-current-settings.yml 107 Bytes