• Sean McGivern's avatar
    Error on newlines in sidekiq-cluster arguments · 91e7b17c
    Sean McGivern authored
    When using Helm charts, which are YAML files, it's relatively easy to
    accidentally include a newline in the Sidekiq arguments. This will
    typically be a trailing newline, which shouldn't be a problem, except
    that in our cloud-native deployment we launch Sidekiq using the command
    given by `sidekiq-cluster --dryrun` (to avoid having the wrapper
    process), so we effectively do:
        $(bin/sidekiq-cluster --dryrun $ARGS)
    Ruby's `Shellwords.escape` quotes newlines as `'\n'`:
    When those are parsed back in the arguments array we get `foo'\n'` for
    an original argument of `foo\n`. Then, when we apply splitting, we get
    `foo'` and `'` as two separate arguments.
    The quoting here is quite complicated but the below demonstrates (in
    Bash) what's happening:
        $ ruby -e 'p ARGV; p ARGV.first.split' "foo'"$'\n'"'"
        ["foo'", "'"]
    If we did care about newlines in this argument array, the solution would
    be more involved. But we don't, because they are never valid, so we can
    just error when we encounter them.
    Changelog: fixed
sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb 1.82 KB