Commit 00dd1d06 authored by Marcel Amirault's avatar Marcel Amirault

Merge branch 'feature-flag-multi-mr-workflow' into 'master'

Clarify feature flag dev workflow across multiple MRs

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!30491
parents 67c7f6f1 0101322b
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ request removing the feature flag or the merge request where the default value o
the feature flag is set to true. If the feature contains any DB migration it
should include a changelog entry for DB changes.
In the rare case that you need the feature flag to be on automatically, use
`default_enabled: true` when checking:
If you need the feature flag to be on automatically, use `default_enabled: true`
when checking:
Feature.enabled?(:feature_flag, project, default_enabled: true)
......@@ -21,6 +21,19 @@ should be leveraged:
- Merge requests that make changes hidden behind a feature flag, or remove an
existing feature flag because a feature is deemed stable must have the
~"feature flag" label assigned.
- When development of a feature will be spread across multiple merge
requests, you can use the following workflow:
1. Introduce a feature flag which is **off** by default, in the first merge request.
1. Submit incremental changes via one or more merge requests, ensuring that any
new code added can only be reached if the feature flag is **on**.
You can keep the feature flag enabled on your local GDK during development.
1. When the feature is ready to be tested, enable the feature flag for
a specific project and ensure that there are no issues with the implementation.
1. When the feature is ready to be announced, create a merge request that adds
documentation about the feature, including [documentation for the feature flag itself](../documentation/,
and a changelog entry. In the same merge request either flip the feature flag to
be **on by default** or remove it entirely in order to enable the new behavior.
One might be tempted to think that feature flags will delay the release of a
feature by at least one month (= one release). This is not the case. A feature
......@@ -29,6 +42,8 @@ flag does not have to stick around for a specific amount of time
is deemed stable. Stable means it works on without causing any
problems, such as outages.
Please also read the [development guide for feature flags](
### When to use feature flags
Starting with GitLab 11.4, developers are required to use feature flags for
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