Commit 017dd1b9 authored by Takuya Noguchi's avatar Takuya Noguchi

Enable Style/AndOr and Style/Not in Rubocop for HAML

Signed-off-by: default avatarTakuya Noguchi <>
parent 6bb56c2c
......@@ -130,14 +130,12 @@ linters:
- Rails/LinkToBlank
- Rails/Presence
- Rails/RequestReferer
- Style/AndOr
- Style/ColonMethodCall
- Style/ConditionalAssignment
- Style/HashSyntax
- Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches
- Style/NegatedIf
- Style/NestedTernaryOperator
- Style/Not
- Style/ParenthesesAroundCondition
- Style/RedundantParentheses
- Style/SelfAssignment
- if milestone.expired? and not milestone.closed?
- if milestone.expired? && !milestone.closed? _('Expired')
- if milestone.upcoming? _('Upcoming')
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
= image_tag illustration_path, size: '75'
- if user_profile? and current_user.present? and current_user.username == params[:username]
- if user_profile? && current_user.present? && current_user.username == params[:username]
%h5= current_user_empty_message_header
- if current_user_empty_message_description.present?
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