Commit 0183725d authored by kushalpandya's avatar kushalpandya

Add trial banner support

parent fff2100f
%header.navbar.navbar-gitlab.navbar-gitlab-new{ class: nav_header_class }
- if current_user.admin? && license_message.present?
.alert.alert-dismissible.gitlab-ee-trial-banner.hidden.js-gitlab-ee-trial-banner{ role: 'alert', 'data-license-expiry' => current_license.expires_at }
%button.close{ type: 'button', 'data-dismiss' => 'alert', 'aria-label' => 'Dismiss banner' }
= icon('times', 'aria-hidden' => 'true')
= license_message
%header.navbar.navbar-gitlab.navbar-gitlab-new.js-navbar-gitlab{ class: nav_header_class }{ href: "#content-body", tabindex: "1" } Skip to content
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