=link_to_('Remove user & report'),admin_abuse_report_path(abuse_report,remove_user: true),
data: {confirm: _("USER %{user} WILL BE REMOVED! Are you sure?")%{user: user.name}},remote: true,method: :delete,class: "gl-button btn btn-sm btn-block btn-danger js-remove-tr"
=link_to_('Block user'),block_admin_user_path(user),data: {confirm: _('USER WILL BE BLOCKED! Are you sure?')},method: :put,class: "btn btn-sm btn-block"
=link_to_('Block user'),block_admin_user_path(user),data: {confirm: _('USER WILL BE BLOCKED! Are you sure?')},method: :put,class: "gl-button btn btn-sm btn-block"
=_("You are about to delete %{domain} from your instance. This domain will no longer be available to any Knative application.").html_safe%{domain: "<code>#{@domain.domain}</code>".html_safe}
=s_('GeoNodes|With %{geo} you can install a special read-only and replicated instance anywhere. Before you add nodes, follow the %{instructions} in the exact order they appear.').html_safe%{geo: link_to('GitLab Geo',help_page_path('administration/geo/index.md'),target: '_blank'),instructions: link_to('setup instructions',help_page_path('administration/geo/setup/index.md'),target: '_blank')}
=s_('Geo|Project (ID: %{project_id}) no longer exists on the primary. It is safe to remove this entry, as this will not remove any data on disk.')%{project_id: project_registry.project_id}
%p=html_escape(_('Your license will be included in your GitLab backup and will survive upgrades, so in normal usage you should never need to re-upload your %{code_open}.gitlab-license%{code_close} file.'))%{code_open: '<code>'.html_safe,code_close: '</code>'.html_safe}
%p=_('Still, we recommend keeping a backup saved somewhere. Otherwise, if you ever need it and have lost it, you will need to request GitLab Inc. to send it to you again.')
=_('Unless otherwise agreed to in writing with GitLab, by clicking "Upload License" you agree that your use of GitLab Software is subject to the %{eula_link_start}Terms of Service%{eula_link_end}.').html_safe%{eula_link_start: eula_link_start,eula_url: eula_url,eula_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}