Commit 03a074f7 authored by Alexis Reigel's avatar Alexis Reigel

dry up view by extracting layout template

parent 7d316a9b
.gl-responsive-table-row{ id: dom_id(runner) }
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Type')
- if runner.instance_type?
%span.badge.badge-success shared
- elsif runner.group_type?
%span.badge.badge-success group
- else
%span.badge.badge-info specific
- if runner.locked?
%span.badge.badge-warning locked
- unless
%span.badge.badge-danger paused
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Runner token')
= link_to runner.short_sha, admin_runner_path(runner)
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Description')
= runner.description
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Version')
= runner.version
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('IP Address')
= runner.ip_address
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Projects')
- if runner.instance_type? || runner.group_type?
= _('n/a')
- else
= runner.projects.count(:all)
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Jobs')
= runner.builds.count(:all)
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Tags')
- runner.tag_list.sort.each do |tag|
= tag
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Last contact')
- if runner.contacted_at
= time_ago_with_tooltip runner.contacted_at
- else
= _('Never')
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Type') } do
- if runner.instance_type?
%span.badge.badge-success shared
- elsif runner.group_type?
%span.badge.badge-success group
- else
%span.badge.badge-info specific
- if runner.locked?
%span.badge.badge-warning locked
- unless
%span.badge.badge-danger paused
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Runner token') } do
= link_to runner.short_sha, admin_runner_path(runner)
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Description') } do
= runner.description
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Version') } do
= runner.version
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('IP Address') } do
= runner.ip_address
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Projects') } do
- if runner.instance_type? || runner.group_type?
= _('n/a')
- else
= runner.projects.count(:all)
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Jobs') } do
= runner.builds.count(:all)
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Tags') } do
- runner.tag_list.sort.each do |tag|
= tag
= render layout: 'runner_table_cell', locals: { label: _('Last contact') } do
- if runner.contacted_at
= time_ago_with_tooltip runner.contacted_at
- else
= _('Never')
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= label
= yield
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