Commit 04c41cb3 authored by Guillaume Grossetie's avatar Guillaume Grossetie

Do not process PlantUML diagrams with Kroki if PlantUML is enabled

parent 8cb4c0dd
......@@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ module Banzai
end.join(', ')
def call
# QUESTION: should we make Kroki and PlantUML mutually exclusive?
# Potentially, Kroki and PlantUML could work side by side.
# In fact, if both PlantUML and Kroki are enabled, PlantUML could still render PlantUML diagrams and Kroki could render the other diagrams?
# Having said that, since Kroki can render PlantUML diagrams, maybe it will be confusing...
# What about Mermaid? should we keep client side rendering for Mermaid?
return doc unless settings.kroki_enabled &&
plantuml_enabled = settings.plantuml_enabled
diagram_selectors = do |diagram_type|
# if PlantUML is enabled, PlantUML diagrams will be processed by the PlantUML filter.
%(pre[lang="#{diagram_type}"] > code) if (plantuml_enabled && diagram_type != 'plantuml') || !plantuml_enabled
end.compact.join(', ')
return doc unless settings.kroki_enabled &&
diagram_format = "svg"
doc.css(DIAGRAM_SELECTORS).each do |node|
......@@ -5,17 +5,37 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Banzai::Filter::KrokiFilter do
include FilterSpecHelper
it 'replaces nomnoml pre tag with img tag' do
it 'replaces nomnoml pre tag with img tag if kroki is enabled' do
stub_application_setting(kroki_enabled: true, kroki_url: "http://localhost:8000")
doc = filter("<pre lang='nomnoml'><code>[Pirate|eyeCount: Int|raid();pillage()|\n [beard]--[parrot]\n [beard]-:>[foul mouth]\n]</code></pre>")
expect(doc.to_s).to eq '<img src="http://localhost:8000/nomnoml/svg/eNqLDsgsSixJrUmtTHXOL80rsVLwzCupKUrMTNHQtC7IzMlJTE_V0KzhUlCITkpNLEqJ1dWNLkgsKsoviUUSs7KLTssvzVHIzS8tyYjligUAMhEd0g==">'
it 'does not replace nomnoml pre tag with img tag if disabled' do
it 'replaces nomnoml pre tag with img tag if both kroki and plantuml are enabled' do
stub_application_setting(kroki_enabled: true,
kroki_url: "http://localhost:8000",
plantuml_enabled: true,
plantuml_url: "http://localhost:8080")
doc = filter("<pre lang='nomnoml'><code>[Pirate|eyeCount: Int|raid();pillage()|\n [beard]--[parrot]\n [beard]-:>[foul mouth]\n]</code></pre>")
expect(doc.to_s).to eq '<img src="http://localhost:8000/nomnoml/svg/eNqLDsgsSixJrUmtTHXOL80rsVLwzCupKUrMTNHQtC7IzMlJTE_V0KzhUlCITkpNLEqJ1dWNLkgsKsoviUUSs7KLTssvzVHIzS8tyYjligUAMhEd0g==">'
it 'does not replace nomnoml pre tag with img tag if kroki is disabled' do
stub_application_setting(kroki_enabled: false)
doc = filter("<pre lang='nomnoml'><code>[Pirate|eyeCount: Int|raid();pillage()|\n [beard]--[parrot]\n [beard]-:>[foul mouth]\n]</code></pre>")
expect(doc.to_s).to eq "<pre lang=\"nomnoml\"><code>[Pirate|eyeCount: Int|raid();pillage()|\n [beard]--[parrot]\n [beard]-:&gt;[foul mouth]\n]</code></pre>"
it 'does not replace plantuml pre tag with img tag if both kroki and plantuml are enabled' do
stub_application_setting(kroki_enabled: true,
kroki_url: "http://localhost:8000",
plantuml_enabled: true,
plantuml_url: "http://localhost:8080")
doc = filter("<pre lang='plantuml'><code>Bob->Alice : hello</code></pre>")
expect(doc.to_s).to eq '<pre lang="plantuml"><code>Bob-&gt;Alice : hello</code></pre>'
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