Commit 093ad996 authored by John Cai's avatar John Cai

Update praefect docs with virtual_storage_name and auth

parent ce942cd9
......@@ -68,20 +68,26 @@ sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
gitaly['enable'] = false
# virtual_storage_name must match the same storage name given to praefect in git_data_dirs
praefect['virtual_storage_name'] = 'praefect'
praefect['auth_token'] = 'super_secret_abc'
praefect['enable'] = true
praefect['storage_nodes'] = [
'storage' => 'praefect-git-1',
'address' => 'tcp://praefect-git-1.internal',
'token' => 'token1',
'primary' => true
'storage' => 'praefect-git-2',
'address' => 'tcp://praefect-git-2.internal'
'address' => 'tcp://praefect-git-2.internal',
'token' => 'token2'
'storage' => 'praefect-git-3',
'address' => 'tcp://praefect-git-3.internal'
'address' => 'tcp://praefect-git-3.internal',
'token' => 'token3'
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