| Git | Personal Snippets | Geo with Gitaly | _Not implemented_ |
| Blobs | User uploads _(filesystem)_ | Geo with API | _Not implemented_ |
| Blobs | User uploads _(object storage)_ | Geo with API/Managed (*2*) | _Not implemented_ |
| Blobs | LFS objects _(filesystem)_ | Geo with API | _Not implemented_ |
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ Each project can have at most 3 different repositories:
They all live in the same shard and share the same base name with a `-wiki` and `-design` suffix
for Wiki and Design Repository cases.
Besides that, there are snippet repositories. They can be connected to a project or to some specific user.
Both types will be synced to a secondary node.
### Blobs
GitLab stores files and blobs such as Issue attachments or LFS objects into either:
@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ successfully, you must replicate their data using some other means.
| [Generic packages](../../../user/packages/generic_packages/index.md) | **Yes** (13.5) | [No](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1817) | Via Object Storage provider if supported. Native Geo support (Beta). | Behind feature flag `geo_package_file_replication`, enabled by default |
| [Versioned Terraform State](../../terraform_state.md) | **Yes** (13.5) | No | Via Object Storage provider if supported. Native Geo support (Beta). | Behind feature flag `geo_terraform_state_version_replication`, enabled by default |
| [External merge request diffs](../../merge_request_diffs.md) | **Yes** (13.5) | No | Via Object Storage provider if supported. Native Geo support (Beta). | Behind feature flag `geo_merge_request_diff_replication`, enabled by default |